- Passed the teaching internship, which means the last stage of official teacher training is complete. I'm looking forward to next year being "just" a teacher, without university classes or an internship hanging over my head.
- Produced a version of The Odd Couple at school. Although I am still officially on the drama sidelines (I stepped down from the Theater Director position at the end of last year, so I could concentrate on finishing my teaching credentials and having more family time), several seniors I had worked with last year desperately wanted to do a student-led production, so I eventually agreed to sponsor it. It was great fun to work with a Neil Simon play, and the students did a great job.
- Was nominated for Teacher of the Year, which was flattering beyond words.
- In non-teaching news, had a chance to watch some of the "event" films: Iron Man (best super-hero movie I've seen since Spider-Man 2, and easily in the top 5 comic adaptations of all time), The Incredible Hulk (much more watchable than Ang Lee's version), and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom etc. etc. (Fun but not fantastic). The biggest is yet to come, however: counting down to The Dark Knight. (RIP, Mr. Ledger. Always liked your work.)
Besides house projects and some teaching lesson plan tweaks, I'm still trying to keep creative. My work on my full-length play has been slow because of the school year, and is currently on hiatus because of the latest news . . .
A few months ago, I was asked by a local producer/director to contribute a new one-act play for a festival in February 2009. I was honored and immediately said yes. I've had the play outlined in my head for a while, but have finally found the time to type the first draft these past few weeks.
More details on the play festival to come; I'm waiting for the person to officially announce it in his own press release soon. Once he does, I'll post more information.
Enjoy the summer!