Friday, July 17, 2009

Our classroom videotaped on a NCTE website!

A few months back, our classroom was chosen to be part of the National Council Teachers of English's professional development webcourse, "Pathways for 21st Century Literacies." They were interested in Dragon Booktalk's literature circle podcasts. Laurie Henry and an assistant came and videotaped the students as they podcasted, and interviewed me. Today, the edited video went online, along with some of my resources and links involved in the project. I was very pleased with the final video, and enjoy the site; it has many tech resources and work from actual teachers in the field. Also, it's another way that my students have found an authentic audience, and their good work is archived for the forseeable future.

Unfortunately, the site is not free or accessible by the general public. However, if you're an educator and interested further, the "Pathways for 21st Century Literacies" course is available at:

As of today, I'm on the course's home page as a "Classroom Spotlight," but the video and materials are also repeatedly threaded throughout several places on the site.

Special thanks to NCTE's Laurie Henry and Leslie Froeschl for making our participation possible.